Ref Wayne

Changing Lives: Refwayne's Impactful Gift to Soweto Schools

Published: Monday January 29, 2024 @ 10:42 EST
Duration: 4.28 minutes
Views: 4,051
Likes: 334
Favorite: 0
Description: Watch how Refwayne's generous donation of 150 school shoes to Soweto schools is making a positive impact on students' lives. This act of kindness is changing lives and inspiring others to give back to their communities. #RefwaynesGift #SowetoSchools #ImpactfulDonation

Finance Magnates Africa Summit 2023!

Published: Saturday May 20, 2023 @ 11:36 EDT
Duration: 4.18 minutes
Views: 10,772
Likes: 425
Favorite: 0
Description: We thank all the sponsors, speakers and attendees. See you on the next one!

Ref Wayne Community Giveback ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Published: Thursday December 23, 2021 @ 09:55 EST
Duration: 5.22 minutes
Views: 24,179
Likes: 1,068
Favorite: 0
Description: No one has ever become poor by giving!

PS: No Account Management, No Investment. Be Careful of fake accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Telegram.

►Where to follow Ref Wayne:
Telegram Group:
Ref Wayne is an international bestselling author of ‘The Art of Trading’, by far the most followed Forex trader in Africa and an internationally renowned speaker on trading and entrepreneurship. He regularly appears on international TV and radio. He has consulted for many companies and addressed more than 250,000 people through television and seminars throughout the world.

Hidden Wisdom Ep.9 (Final Episode) The 3rd Eye!

Published: Sunday October 03, 2021 @ 14:30 EDT
Duration: 54.08 minutes
Views: 117,984
Likes: 3,227
Favorite: 0
Description: This is the last episode of this series, hope you have been enjoying all the other episodes, in this episode, we are talking about opening the THIRD EYE and we touch a little on initiation, the spiritual veins in the body and Pranayama(breathing exercises) to purify and cleanse all impurities in the body.

Yes it is true that many seers, prophets and shamans have opened their 3rd eyes through initiation, once they have done an initiation and accepted the patron spirits that govern those societies as their gods then they are able to receive spiritual powers which include the ability to see through anything, many times I have seen that its not all the time that their third eye is open but its these spirits that whisper into the ear of the seer to reveal information, but the best way and correct way has always been to open the eye on your own without any assistance of any being outside of you. Those who are born to be healers and light-workers will meet their guides and learn what they have to learn.

When we talk about the 3rd Eye we are talking about a powerful spiritual gland that allows us to see beyond our dimension, it is with this eye that can we receive insights, guidance and enlightenment to ancient wisdom, opening the third eye has A LOT of benefits, it clears away all types of confusion,uncertainty,lack of purpose and pessimism. It brings forth mental clarity,improved concentration, clear self-expression and strengthened intuition. Not only that, This spiritual eye allows us to go deeper into the spirit and see beyond the obvious, we tap into dimensions never thought existed, some will have vivid dreams, some will see things, some will hear, some will just know. But something will happen...

Hidden Wisdom Ep.8 (Awakening The Soul)

Published: Sunday September 26, 2021 @ 12:00 EDT
Duration: 46.47 minutes
Views: 150,428
Likes: 3,389
Favorite: 0
Description: In this episode we learn how to OPEN the chakras: As mentioned in the video that there are many ways to open the chakras some of the ways have been corrupted and lost but the ones taught here are proven to work. Again, just to recap, Chakras are energy centres inside our body that are responsible for outer and inner experience, they do so many many things but most importantly they are portals and serve energy to the spirit inside of us.

It is almost IMPOSSIBLE and will need extreme amount of hard work to succeed in any endeavour when there are blockages in your body system, opening the chakras is one of the quickest ways and most EFFECTIVE way to awaken your soul. It is said that once your soul is awake then you will attain a state of awareness needed to flourish in anything. This is the whole purpose of spirituality, to live our life to its fullest as it's supposed to be.

These chakra meditations use mudras, which are special hand positions, to open chakras. The mudras have the power to send more energy to particular chakras. To enhance the effect, vibrations can be used. These sounds are from Sanskrit letters. When vibrated, they cause a resonation in your body that you can feel at the chakra they are meant for.. I will make a video on the 3rd eye soon.

MONDAY(3rd Eye), TUESDAY(Sacral Chakra), WEDNESDAY(Throat Chakra), THURSDAY(Crown Chakra) and FRIDAY(Heart Chakra) SATURDAY(Base Chakra) SUNDAY( Solar Plexus) , on those days the chakras are more active and more focus can be placed on that chakra.

The Root chakra is the foundation. When the Root chakra is open, you're able to feel secure and welcome. Having opened this chakra, you'll feel you'll have territory.
Only when you feel secure and welcome, are you able to express feelings and sexuality appropriately, the domain of the Sacral chakra. This is generally contact with one person at a time. Feelings get you an idea of what you want and when you are aware of that, you can open the Navel chakra, to assert your wants, to decide upon them. This assertion is something that's done between people, in groups, in social situations. Being able to deal with social situations, you can form affectionate relationships, which is the domain of the Heart chakra. This tames the aggression of the Navel chakra. When relationships are formed, you are able to express yourself, by the Throat chakra. This is also the basis of thinking, which makes insight possible, by opening the Third Eye chakra. When all these chakras are open, you're ready for the Crown chakra, to develop wisdom, self-awareness and awareness of the whole.

What period of time you spend on each chakra, is something you'll have to find out for yourself. Be aware of how you feel and what you do and don't do. Notice if you really do need to open certain chakras and if you can sustain higher ones. It's probably a process of years, if not decades, although you'll be enjoying benefits immediately. It will not always be necessary to rigidly follow the order of the chakras, as long as you're aware of what's happening with you.

“The awakening of human consciousness is no longer a luxury—it is a necessity for the survival of our species. It is up to each of us as individuals to embody the state of aware presence and thus rise above the egoic mind and its dysfunction. When a sufficient number of humans undergo this transformation, this will bring healing and sanity to our planet.”

Hidden Wisdom (Ep. 7) Inquisition, 7 Seals & Energy Centres

Published: Sunday September 19, 2021 @ 15:10 EDT
Duration: 37.28 minutes
Views: 61,760
Likes: 2,994
Favorite: 0
Description: Most if not ALL ancient texts like the Bible, Vedas, Quran and others have been written with words laced with hidden meaning, due to systematic oppression against knowledge and enlightenment in the past, a different style of teaching and writing was adapted which we know today as Parables, Symbolism and Allegory so that the teaching can continue but in a hidden way and those who are awake will decipher and apply as directed. However, till today many have fell into the trap of reading these books as completely literal whereas they have a deeper meaning behind them.

In this episode we talk about the Energy Centres in our body called the Chakras. It is said that once your chakras have been activated and are fully opened then you will attain a state of awareness that is needed for you to flourish.

To be continued...

Secrets of the Super Rich PT.2| Refwayne

Published: Thursday September 09, 2021 @ 12:29 EDT
Duration: 34.68 minutes
Views: 65,434
Likes: 2,787
Favorite: 0
Description: Another reminder that we are not here to play games but here to work, lets set our goals and remain focused. Success is guaranteed.

Hidden Wisdom (Ep. 6) Spiritual Warfare

Published: Sunday September 05, 2021 @ 12:22 EDT
Duration: 49.97 minutes
Views: 95,129
Likes: 3,826
Favorite: 0
Description: It is important for the follower of this series to understand the different types of forces that will try to stop them from ascending and success, to have an awareness of these 'invisible' forces is the 1st step in stopping them! This episode hopes to clarify the role of the spiritual vampire and how to be careful of it. ONCE you understand this then you are ready for the next videos.

Secrets of the Super Rich Ep 1 | Refwayne

Published: Wednesday September 01, 2021 @ 13:26 EDT
Duration: 18.25 minutes
Views: 89,922
Likes: 4,223
Favorite: 0
Description: In this episode we discuss the 7 Key Areas of Life. While some areas may be stronger than others, it is important that you continue improve each of them. In doing so, you will create more balance in your life. This balance will allow you to create more momentum and power. Continual progress is the way you get bigger and better results while feeling more fulfilled.
To live the life of your dreams and desire, you must know where you are and where you want to be – and mastering these keys will guarantee that happens.
Remember that all of this I am teaching is from personal experience so its proven to work-stay tuned for more videos as its only going to get more and more better.

Hidden Wisdom: (Ep. 5) Spiritual Liberation+Financial Freedom

Published: Sunday August 29, 2021 @ 12:00 EDT
Duration: 18.32 minutes
Views: 76,717
Likes: 3,102
Favorite: 0
Description: In this episode we are going through the testimonials and prepare for the coming week.
**Every Wednesday we will cover topics on business, strategy, e-commerce and online trading
**Every Sunday we will cover topics on the body, mind and soul.

Mental + Spiritual Liberation = Guaranteed Financial Freedom

Hidden Wisdom (Ep.4) Proven Ways to Raise Your Vibration & Elevate Your Frequency

Published: Sunday August 15, 2021 @ 20:01 EDT
Duration: 25.85 minutes
Views: 90,323
Likes: 3,291
Favorite: 0
Description: Practice either one of them or all for at-least 21 Days and you are GUARANTEED to increase your vibration and raise your frequency, as time goes I will make another video with more advanced methods which will require money to buy so for now just use this as it worked for me. They are so simple yet so extremely powerful !

When your increase your vibration you will notice that things around you start to change, some people also start to either feel uncomfortable around this new you, and they will act very weird negative energy will flee with its own people and things, don't worry about that, its a purification process. You will attract money, new friends, knowledge and connections. Your mind will be sharp and your intuition will be strong, you will feel protected. 21 days is enough, if you can do it for 40 days then nothing will ever stop you!

Hidden Wisdom: (Ep 3) Levels of Consciousness (which level are you?)

Published: Friday August 13, 2021 @ 14:07 EDT
Duration: 22.93 minutes
Views: 86,946
Likes: 2,911
Favorite: 0
Description: In this video I’ll go over the 17 levels of consciousness from low to high, and the most important work we can do as human beings is to raise our individual level of consciousness, this will bring us our closer to our higher self and the divine(God) as we know it...

Hidden Wisdom: Energy, Frequency & Vibration (Ep.2)

Published: Tuesday August 10, 2021 @ 13:00 EDT
Duration: 15.62 minutes
Views: 82,302
Likes: 3,153
Favorite: 0
Description: Energy - We all are a form of Energy, as it is said Energy neither can be created nor destroyed, it can be only be transfer from person to person. Be Careful about what kind of Energy you do pass to other with your thoughts, words, and action.

Frequency - We all human beings Vibrate at Certain Frequency. Just for example while listening to any radio station we are tuned to that frequency and able to connect with someone who is speaking on the radio station without seeing it. Likewise, Frequency is something which again connects us to like-minded people, if you are surrounded (frequency) by achievers your thoughts, words, and action would be of achievers.

Vibration - This is a leading point to frequency, How we Vibrate is about How we respond to the situation. Don't Consider Respond Similar to the Reaction. Because Reaction is something explosive in nature, we always say Nuclear Reactor because it explodes. However, if you try to respond to any situation or challenges or objections come in your way, probably you would be able to achieve the higher results in your life.

Stay tuned for the 3rd episode!

Hidden Wisdom: Intro (Ep. 1)

Published: Sunday August 01, 2021 @ 06:00 EDT
Duration: 6.47 minutes
Views: 78,671
Likes: 3,726
Favorite: 0
Description: Many people that we follow never teach us everything that they know in the game of life, they only share so much of their knowledge, be it in business, real estate or in trading. Its a fact that most mentors never reveal the REAL strategies behind their winnings, I've discovered that they do this so that the student always rely on them- its time to change this!

To recap on the 7 keys of life that I want us to cover in the next videos, these areas are: Spirituality, Physical(Self) Body, Emotions, Career , Time, Relationships and Finances. Each of these areas requires focus – neglecting any one of them can cause massive pain in your life. To create a life of true fulfillment, you must master all seven areas.

This is the 1st episode of many more. Stay tuned as I will be exposing every hidden trading, business and market strategy that the rich either consciously or unconsciously utilize. Stay tuned!

MacBook Giveaways | VLOG

Published: Saturday May 22, 2021 @ 04:30 EDT
Duration: 11.23 minutes
Views: 40,733
Likes: 1,745
Favorite: 0
Description: In celebration of my 10 years as a Forex trader you'll recall that I said that I want to massively give back to my followers for the support I have garnered over the years, yesterday we traveled almost 100 KM's to meet the winner, a very nice young man. Indeed, the trip was worthwhile. Seeing that he is also very much interested in trading -I have decided to also take the winner in as my student. We are not done with the giveaways, this year I am planning to give more than I have ever given before.

Are you next? Let me know in the comments.

PS: No Account Management, No Investment. Be Careful of fake accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Telegram.
►Where to follow Ref Wayne:
Telegram Group:
Ref Wayne is an international bestselling author of ‘The Art of Trading’, by far the most followed Forex trader in Africa and an internationally renowned speaker on trading and entrepreneurship. He regularly appears on international TV and radio. He has consulted for many companies and addressed more than 250,000 people through television and seminars throughout the world.


Trading foreign currencies can be a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for investors even though under the guidance of expert traders like Ref Wayne. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. Investments in foreign exchange speculation may also be susceptible to sharp rises and falls as the relevant market values fluctuate. The leveraged nature of Forex trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. Not only may investors get back less than they invested, but in the case of higher risk strategies, investors may lose the entirety of their investment. It is for this reason that when speculating in such markets it is advisable to use only risk capital.

2021 GO BIG OR GO HOME MINDSET - Must Watch!

Published: Saturday January 23, 2021 @ 13:00 EST
Duration: 13.15 minutes
Views: 70,326
Likes: 3,829
Favorite: 0
Description: As I am celebrating 10 Years in trading I thought let me just make a short speech of how I broke a generational curse or the so called ' bondage ' in my family by becoming the 1st multi-millionaire @19 through forex trading. I won’t say it has been an easy journey, I have made a lot of mistakes and thus learnt a lot also in both business and trading. If you learn the important lessons in forex trading, you may never need to go through what I have been through to make it in forex which is why I am probably the best person currently in the game that can guide you to perfection.

Do leave a comment after watching👍 👍👍

The History of Forex Trading in Africa!

Published: Monday June 22, 2020 @ 06:00 EDT
Duration: 0.02 minutes
Views: 59,634
Likes: 2,021
Favorite: 0
Description: PS: No Account Management, No Investment. Be Careful of fake accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Telegram.
►Where to follow Ref Wayne:
Telegram Group:
Ref Wayne is an international bestselling author of ‘The Art of Trading’, by far the most followed Forex trader in Africa and an internationally renowned speaker on trading and entrepreneurship. He regularly appears on international TV and radio. He has consulted for many companies and addressed more than 250,000 people through television and seminars throughout the world.


Trading foreign currencies can be a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for investors even though under the guidance of expert traders like Ref Wayne. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. Investments in foreign exchange speculation may also be susceptible to sharp rises and falls as the relevant market values fluctuate. The leveraged nature of Forex trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. Not only may investors get back less than they invested, but in the case of higher risk strategies, investors may lose the entirety of their investment. It is for this reason that when speculating in such markets it is advisable to use only risk capital.

Commitment of Traders Report: 80% Win Rate.

Published: Monday April 13, 2020 @ 08:08 EDT
Duration: 12.48 minutes
Views: 110,961
Likes: 3,324
Favorite: 0
Description: There are two possible strategies for using the market sentiment. You can go with the current and try to join the crowd or trade against the sentiment and I prefer the latter :-)

►Where to follow Ref Wayne:
Telegram Group:
Thank you for watching this video—Please Comment/Share it...

PS: I am currently ONLY offering Forex Signals! No Account Management, No Investment. Becareful of fake accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Telegram.

Ref Wayne is an international bestselling author of ‘The Art of Trading’, by far the most followed Forex trader in Africa and an internationally renowned speaker on trading and entrepreneurship. He regularly appears on international TV and radio. He has consulted for many companies and addressed more than 250,000 people through television and seminars throughout the world.


Trading foreign currencies can be a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for investors even though under the guidance of expert traders like Ref Wayne. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. Investments in foreign exchange speculation may also be susceptible to sharp rises and falls as the relevant market values fluctuate. The leveraged nature of Forex trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. Not only may investors get back less than they invested, but in the case of higher risk strategies, investors may lose the entirety of their investment. It is for this reason that when speculating in such markets it is advisable to use only risk capital.

#refwayne #forex #CoTReport

3 Forex Dimensions! (Must Watch)

Published: Monday April 13, 2020 @ 06:30 EDT
Duration: 13.72 minutes
Views: 59,753
Likes: 2,901
Favorite: 0
Description: Ref Wayne strikes again , this time we are talking dimensions. Watch and learn!

►Where to follow Ref Wayne:
Telegram Group:
Thank you for watching this video—Please Comment/Share it...

PS: I am currently ONLY offering Forex Signals! No Account Management, No Investment. Becareful of fake accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Telegram.

Ref Wayne is an international bestselling author of ‘The Art of Trading’, by far the most followed Forex trader in Africa and an internationally renowned speaker on trading and entrepreneurship. He regularly appears on international TV and radio. He has consulted for many companies and addressed more than 250,000 people through television and seminars throughout the world.


Trading foreign currencies can be a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for investors even though under the guidance of expert traders like Ref Wayne. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. Investments in foreign exchange speculation may also be susceptible to sharp rises and falls as the relevant market values fluctuate. The leveraged nature of Forex trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. Not only may investors get back less than they invested, but in the case of higher risk strategies, investors may lose the entirety of their investment. It is for this reason that when speculating in such markets it is advisable to use only risk capital.


Forex Brokers: Shocking Truth!!

Published: Sunday April 05, 2020 @ 03:00 EDT
Duration: 8.87 minutes
Views: 120,937
Likes: 6,037
Favorite: 0
Description: Find out the shocking truth on Forex brokers! What is ECN? A and B Book Facts - Fake Spikes, Spread Manipulation and other dirty tricks that the brokers are using... lookout for the 2nd part of this video were I even reveal court documents to justify my claims. Remember, this is just a 1st video and its just a teaser, you haven't seen anything at all.

PS: I am currently ONLY offering Forex Signals! No Account Management, No Investment. Becareful of fake accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Telegram.
►Where to follow Ref Wayne:
Telegram Group:
Thank you for watching this video—Please Share it...

Ref Wayne is an international bestselling author of ‘The Art of Trading’, by far the most followed Forex trader in Africa and an internationally renowned speaker on trading and entrepreneurship. He regularly appears on international TV and radio. He has consulted for many companies and addressed more than 250,000 people through television and seminars throughout the world.


Trading foreign currencies can be a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for investors even though under the guidance of expert traders like Ref Wayne. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. Investments in foreign exchange speculation may also be susceptible to sharp rises and falls as the relevant market values fluctuate. The leveraged nature of Forex trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. Not only may investors get back less than they invested, but in the case of higher risk strategies, investors may lose the entirety of their investment. It is for this reason that when speculating in such markets it is advisable to use only risk capital.